Happy Teachers Day to both of you, Sir & Ma’am. Your teachings & experiences shared in Infertility & Ultrasound have given me immense help in my professional practice. Thank you.

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Monika Jain

Your book is like a Bible for me. Everytime a case comes with uterine anomaly, I just open your book & give report confidently. Doppler in IUI and IVF patients is very very helpful. Thank you soooooooo much. Still learning from your lectures.

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Monika Jain

Enriching experience. Ma’am, your humbleness is great. You are a great teacher. Thank you.

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Monika Jain

Thank you very much Dr. Sonal and all friends. We’re having a nice academic experience here.

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Monika Jain

It was indeed a great workshop and I thank for our faculty who conducted such nice and precise talk.

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Monika Jain

It was a nice learning in a new direction of radio-endocrinology.

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Monika Jain

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