Testimonials Category: Doctor Testimonial
Happy Teachers Day to both of you, Sir & Ma’am. Your teachings & experiences shared in Infertility & Ultrasound have given me immense help in my professional practice. Thank you.
Monika Jain
Your book is like a Bible for me. Everytime a case comes with uterine anomaly, I just open your book & give report confidently. Doppler in IUI and IVF patients is very very helpful. Thank you soooooooo much. Still learning from your lectures.
Monika Jain
Enriching experience. Ma’am, your humbleness is great. You are a great teacher. Thank you.
Monika Jain
Thank you very much Dr. Sonal and all friends. We’re having a nice academic experience here.
Monika Jain
It was indeed a great workshop and I thank for our faculty who conducted such nice and precise talk.
Monika Jain
It was a nice learning in a new direction of radio-endocrinology.